Unrivaled Performance
With a Rangemaster at the heart of the kitchen, the kitchen is always the heart of the home. That's why you'll find a Rangemaster in more homes than any other range cooker. So, why buy a Rangemaster? If being Britain's No.1 range cooker manufacturer isn't reason enough, read on to find out why we're in more homes than any other.

Rangemaster is Britain's best loved range cooker brand. We made the world's first range cooker in 1830 on the very same site in Royal Leamington Spa where we continue to design and manufacture all our 90,100 and 110 cm range cookers. Our range cookers are at the heart of more homes than any other, helping to create memorable family moments. As Britain's No.1 cooker manufacturer, we're a pivotal part of everyday life. Rangemaster cookers are really the essential ingredient to a perfect kitchen